
The Herald Stack


Note: These are outdated and need to be updated.

Herald is a thin wrapper around SnarkyJS. Herald currently has three layers:

  • @herald-sdk/data-model - this package provides classes and utilities for managing claims, signed claims, and other data structures relevant to Zero-Knowledge Proofs and their associated cryptographic functions.
  • @herald-sdk/provable-programs - this package provides a single ZkProgram that allows users to attest to their credentials per some Rule provided by a challenger.
  • @herald-sdk/credentials - this package encapsulates both data-model and provable-programs packages, allowing issuers to create credentials, subjects to attest to claims about their credentials, and verify if a credential was issued by a specific issuer and about a specific subject.




Class: Claim

A claim is a MerkleMap of key-value pairs where the key is a string and the value is a ClaimType. It provides methods to add, get, and retrieve the Merkle root and witness for a given key.

  • addField(key: string, value: ClaimType): Adds a field to the claim's MerkleMap.
  • getField(key: string): Field | undefined: Gets the Field corresponding to the provided key.
  • getRoot(): Field: Returns the Merkle root of the claim's MerkleMap.
  • getWitness(key: string): MerkleMapWitness: Retrieves the MerkleMapWitness for a given key.
Class: SignedClaim

A signed claim is a claim that has been signed by an issuer. It contains the root of the claim and the signature of the issuer.

Class: CredentialPresentation

A structure that attests to being the owner of a credential, useful for Zero-Knowledge Proofs.

Class: Rule

A rule that can be used to infer a claim from another claim. It can be provided by a challenger to a prover to verify a property on a claim.


Type: ClaimType

Defines the possible data types for a claim. It can be a string, number, or a PublicKey.


Utility functions to construct various data structures.

  • constructClaim(claims: {[key: string]: ClaimType}): Claim: Constructs a claim from a dictionary of claims.
  • constructSignedClaim(claim: Claim, issuerPrvKey: PrivateKey): SignedClaim: Constructs a signed claim.
  • constructPresentation(signedClaim: SignedClaim, subjectPrvKey: PrivateKey): CredentialPresentation: Constructs a credential presentation from a signed claim.


Utility functions for converting between various data structures.

  • stringToField(str: string): Field: Converts a string to a Field.
  • numberToField(num: number): Field: Converts a number to a Field.
  • publicKeyHash(publicKey: PublicKey): Field: Hashes a PublicKey to produce a Field.
  • claimToField(claim: ClaimType): Field: Converts a claim to a Field.
  • fieldToString(field: Field[]): string: Converts a Field to a string.
  • flattenObject(obj: {[key: string]: any}, prefix = ''): {[key: string]: ClaimType}: Flattens an object into a dictionary of claims.


The @herald-sdk/data-model package allows users to create and manage claims and their associated cryptographic proofs. With utilities for constructing and converting these data structures, developers can effortlessly integrate Zero-Knowledge Proofs and cryptographic functions into their applications.




Class: PublicInputArgs

This class defines the public inputs for the Zero-Knowledge Program (ZkProgram). These inputs include the public keys of the issuer and subject, as well as a rule (provingRule) for attesting the credentials.


This is a Zero-Knowledge Program (ZkProgram) that works to validate a claim on a credential. The current implementation works for one field on a claim. It has a single attest method and requires PublicInputArgs.

  • attest: This method validates the legitimacy of the signed claim, the credential presentation, and the correctness of the claim value based on a provided rule. It uses the public inputs to ensure that signatures are valid and the claim is correctly attested.

Note: Future enhancements include expanding it to work for multiple fields on a claim using a rollup style methodology.




Type: proveReturnType

The return type for the prove method in the Credential class. Contains:

  • attestationProof: Proof that attests to certain claims.
  • verificationKey: A string that represents the key used for verification.
Class: Credential

This class represents a digital credential containing a MerkleMap of claims (claim), a signed version of that map (signedClaim), a flat dictionary of claims (credential), and a verifiable credential (verifiableCredential).

  • Parameters:
    • claim: A MerkleMap representing claims.
    • signedClaim: A signed version of the claim by the issuer.
    • credential: A dictionary of claims.
Static Method: create

Description: An Issuer can construct a Credential object by taking in a string credential object of claims and a private key from the issuer.

  • Parameters:
    • claims: A credential string representing multiple claims.
    • issuerPrvKey: The private key of the issuer.
Method: verify

Description: a test utility method that verifies the authenticity of the Credential object based on the given issuer and subject public keys.

  • Parameters:
    • issuerPubKey: The public key of the issuer.
    • subjectPubKey: The public key of the subject (credential holder).
Method: prove

Description: A subject can produces a Zero-Knowledge Proof that attests to a certain claim within the credentials per a given Rule from a challenger.

  • Parameters:
    • claimKey: A string representing the key of the claim to attest.
    • challenge: The challenge object that contains the issuer, subject public keys, and the Rule defined by the challenger.
    • subjectPrvKey: The private key of the subject (credential holder).